Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core is based on the second series of the Japanese Bakugan Battle Brawlers anime series in which the brave battlers fight to save the world (and New Vestroia) from the evil Zenoheld, Spectra and their Vexos supporters.
This time out, as opposed to 2009's Bakugan Battle Brawlers or the 2010 Bakugan Dimensions web-based version of the franchise, Defenders of the Core sees gamers create their hero and have total control over them. The task in hand is to save The Perfect Core from the dastardly Vexos.
With split-screen mode, this is the first time in the series that players can fight in head-to-head duels, free for all, and strategic destruction battles. All of this occurs in real-time.
Not only is there plenty of combat, there is also exploration and puzzle solving in Story and Battle modes. In the former gamers travel through the game world collecting Core Fragements and levelling up to escape drones, traps and a variety of other hidden attacks. Beware the Gunadalian invader Bakugan as well!
In the new battle mode there are also Ability Cards that must be combined to produce exotic and powerful attacks. Available Bakugan's include, Maxus Dragonoid, Cross Dragonoid (Hyper Dragonoid), Magma Wilda, Baliton, Ancient Nemus, Midnight Percival and Falcon Fly, Ingram, Dynamo and Altair among others.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010